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From topics like emotional support dogs vs service dogs, to partnering with your working dog, the Working Like Dogs Blog is about working, caring, and living fully with your working dog. Dog nutrition, puppy-raising, service animal laws, service dog requirements, aging dogs, dogs in public, traveling with dogs, supplies & equipment and any other trending subjects are discussed.
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Being Prepared for COVID-19 and other Emergencies as a Working Dog Handler
Assistance Dogs of the West recently held their annual Courthouse Facility Dog conference. I was honored to be asked to interview veterinarian Dr. Brent Parker for one of the sessions. The information he shared is of value to all working dog handlers. He discussed what steps the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is recommending for working dogs and their handlers during the COVID-19 pandemic and general emergency preparedness, so you’ll be ready for any type of unusual situation.

Kiki, the First Tribal Courthouse Dog in the U.S.
The yellow Labrador retriever known as Kiki is a well-trained and friendly dog who helps mitigate trauma for the children and adults who come to the Pueblo of Pojoaque Tribal Court in New Mexico.

Guide Dog User Research Takes a Holistic Approach to Reduce Joint Pain
While guide dog use reduces the risk of falls for visually impaired people, there is an increase in complaints about joint pain. Researchers at the University of North Georgia are studying the root causes of pain to increase the quality of life for people who use guide dogs.

Canine Stress
I recently had the pleasure of attending the Courthouse Dogs Foundation Conference in Seattle, Washington. Dr. James Ha, renowned animal behaviorist and researcher offered a workshop on Canine Stress Identification and Prevention. I’ll share what I learned here.

Assistance Dogs of the West Wins Piñon Award for Community Service
My current service dog, Lovey, was trained by Assistance Dogs of the West. I was thrilled that ADW was recently were honored with an award from the Santa Fe Community Foundation as an organization that uses a bold approach to solve a persistent problem in the community.