Dog laying on grassWhy do some dogs not only like to lie on the grass, but also eat it?

Everyone seems to have a theory about why dogs sometimes eat grass, but nobody really knows for certain. Some people think dogs eat grass to get more fiber in their diet.  But since modern commercial diets contain enough fiber, that theory has been dismissed by many.

Another theory is that dogs eat grass to induce vomiting when they’ve eaten something bad. This is because people observe their dogs vomiting after eating grass. However not all dogs vomit after eating grass.

Andrea N. Johnston, DVM, DACVIM, a clinical instructor in internal medicine at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine says that even specialists like her don’t really know. Maybe dogs just like it.

In general, it’s considered that eating a little grass isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it really doesn’t provide much roughage or nutrients.

One caution on grass consumption:  fertilizers and chemicals that may be on the lawn. Another concern is parasites that could be in the dirt and grass.

If you want your dog to have more greens, Dr. Johnston recommends simply feeding them some fresh or cooked vegetables.

Just remember that every dog is different and if your dog is frequently eating grass and vomiting, it wouldn’t hurt to ask your vet about it to make sure he or she doesn’t have some underlying medical condition.

Image courtesy of Victor Habbick /